• Be Mad
  • 1075547 501964796547125 800809066 O
  • 71882158 1147986515402488 8880812957223616512 O
  • Frank S Contenderbillede Arco 2018 1
  • VM 2019
  • 2014 09 27 8667 Beskaaret
  • Aask Staevne 3 09 16 268
  • 71081176 1147486305452509 8633609684936294400 O
  • 141313928520023100 Resized
  • 70925028 1147986092069197 3236452939245551616 O
  • Florida8
  • Be Mad
  • 1075547 501964796547125 800809066 O
  • 71882158 1147986515402488 8880812957223616512 O
  • Frank S Contenderbillede Arco 2018 1
  • VM 2019
  • 2014 09 27 8667 Beskaaret
  • Aask Staevne 3 09 16 268
  • 71081176 1147486305452509 8633609684936294400 O
  • 141313928520023100 Resized
  • 70925028 1147986092069197 3236452939245551616 O
  • Florida8

Jesper Nielsen vinder Contender-DM som første jyde

Min Baad skriver om dansk klassemesterskab i Contender 2017:

Onsdag til fredag 12-14. juli uge blev det danske klassemesterskab i Contender sejlet i Sønderborg, og Jesper Nielsen fra Aabenraa vandt ganske suverænt.

Det fortæller Jon Møgelhøj fra Contender-klassen.

Stævnet var også pre-worlds, altså optakt til næste uges VM, så der var 60 både til start med deltagere fra hele verden.

Selve stævnet blev vundet af australske Jason Beebe, som dermed nok også må tage favoritrollen frem mod VM. Jesper blev nr. 3 i stævnet, og kan som bedste dansker nu kalde sig dansk mester (som den første jyde nogensinde).

Titlen som danmarksmester var ikke i fare på noget tidspunkt. Faktisk skal vi hele 30 pladser ned for at finde næstbedste dansker (Frank Hinsch fra Hellerup Sejlklub).

Stævnet blev sejlet uden den 15.-dobbelte danmarksmester Søren Dulong Andreasen, der er ude hele sæsonen med en rygskade.

Al slags vejr

Sejladserne blev afviklet i næsten alle konditioner. Onsdag blev der sejlet to sejladser i mellemluft fra nord, efter halvanden times udsættelse på land, hvor vi stod og ventede i ingen vind og silende regn.

Torsdag var der 12 m/s fra vest og tre sejladser blev sejlet.

Fredag startede også uden luft, men her blev vi dog sendt på vandet og brugte de to første timer på at udsætte og lave startforsøg, som endte i generel tilbagekaldelse. Herefter kom der 6 m/s fra syd og gode bølger - perfekte contenderforhold - og i dem fik vi to sejladser.


Contender VM 2014 dramatisk afslutning

Contender VM 2014 slutter dramatisk med blæst og protest.

VM 2014 på Lake Macquarie nord for Sydney var planlagt med 5 sejldage med 2 sejladser hver dag.

Efter otte af de planlagte ti sejladser ved Contender VM 2014 førte de to australiere Mark Bulka og Jono Neate med henholdvis 20 og 24 point.

Forud for de to afsluttende sejladser havde Mark "serven" med 4 points forspring og en ottendeplads som fratrækker, medens Jono havde en "ikke fuldført" til 68 point som fratrækker.

Mark Bulka ved 2013 på Como-søen i Norditalien

På tredjepladsen lå Christoph Homeier (GER) med 41 point.

Christoph kæmpede reelt kun med Alberto Lambertini (ITA) med 48 point og Matt Mulder (AUS) med 59 point om tredjepladsen.

Men på grund af en vejrudsigt med stærkt tiltagende vind besluttede dommerne at sejle endnu en sejlads på fjerdedagen og reducerede antal af sejladser på den afsluttende femtedag til en sejlads.

Den niende og næstsidste sejlads bliver sejles med en midddelvind omkring 12 m/s. Mark Bulka vælter i starten men formår at sejle sig op på en femteplads i mål.  Men Jono Neate vinder sejladsen og fører nu VM serien med 2 points forspring før sidste sejlads.

Christoph Homeier sejler sikkert to tredje- og en fjerdeplads hjem på næstsidste sejldag. Eneste trussel til den samlede tredjeplads er nu Matt Mulder.

Sidste sejlads på stævnets femte dag sejles igen i 12 m/s i middelvind og pust op til 15 m/s og de store drenge og dygtige hårdtvejrssejlere dominerer. Kun 45 af 66 tilmeldte både formår at gennemføre sidste sejlads.


Matt Mulder vinder sidste sejlads. Jono Neate slutter toer, Mark Bulka slutter treer og Christoph Homeier ni.

Efter to fratrækkere slutter Matt med bronce og Christoph bliver henvist til fjerdepladsen.

Jono Neate er verdensmester og Mark Bulka får sølv.

Men Mark lægger protest mod Jono for at Jonos bom har rørt Mark på ryggen på første halvvindsben. Mark vinder protesten med en jurybåd som vidne.

Slutstillingen bliver

VM-guld: Mark Bulka (AUS) 21 point
VM-sølv: Jono Neate (AUS)  25 point
VM-bronce: Matt Mulder (AUS) 34 point

Contender VM 2014 slutstilling

Billeder fra VM 2014

Dette års VM er blevet sejlet i meget blandende vejrforhold med ret svag og skiftende vind på første og tredje dag og mere vind på andendagen og meget vind på fjerdedagen og femtedagen.

Det ses på resultaterne for f. eks. Alberto Lambertini, der vinder begge sejladser på tredjedagen og Matt Mulder, der har en 30. og en 34. plads på hhv. føste og tredje sejldag.

Alberto vandt contender VM 2012 i Florida i svag vind og Matt vandt 3 sejladser ved australsk mesterskab 2014 i stærk vind umiddelbart forud for dette års VM.

Ingen danskere har valgt at deltage i dette års VM.

EM sejles i 2014 i uge 31 ved Kühlungsborn på den tyske Østersøkyst. Her kan forventes et deltagertal på op mod i alt hundrede og stor dansk deltagelse.

Australsk mesterskab 2014

Uha Uha. Australske bøllebank ved dette års australske mesterskab. 8 ud af 10 i top-ti var australske contendersejlere.

Mark Bulka vinder suverænt med 5 placeringer i top 3 og en femteplads som fratrækker og 12 point.

De eneste tætte konkurrenter til Mark var Andrea Bonezzi på andenpladsen med 14 point og Jono Neate på tredjepladsen med 15 point. Derefter var der et hul på yderligere 12 point til Phil Evans på fjerdepladsen.

Eneste udlændinge i top-ti var Christoph Homeier /GER) på sjettepladsen og Paul Verhallen (NED) på niendepladsen.

Resultater australsk mesterskab 2014

Det var et blæsende stævne med op til 15 m/s på andendagen og de store drenge dominerede.

Australsk mesterskab 2014 er opvarmningsstævne til VM 2014, der ligeledes sejles på Lake Macquarie, fra den 19-25. januar.

Contender world championship 2023 - News

July 8th, 2023

Contender world championship 2023 settled.

As the wind most of the day was absent and if present very weak no racing today and the final results unchanged from July 7th.

Top five results at the 2023 world championship

  1. Søren Andreasen 14 points
  2. Christoph Homeier 26 points
  3. Mark Bulka 29 points
  4.  Jesper Armbrust 29 point
  5. Max Billerbeck 34 points

ContenderWorlds2023 KJ KJR35662

Søren Andreasen on one of the windy days

Contender world championship 2023 all results

Images by sailing.pics

The danisk contender association would like to give all the best credits to Kerteminde Sailing Club, all the voluteers, the jury and the measurement-team for a great and well organized regatta. Thank you all so much!


July 7th, 2023

As predicted light winds today and even sunshine.

Wind in the morning from the west gradually turning north.

In the afternoon from the east - seabreeze.

First race goldfleet today scheduled to start at 9.15 and the silverfleet 10 minutes later.

The races got underway in shifty light winds.

The lightwind and light sailors had their day, while the bigger sailors were suffering.

Race two was delayed by some general recalls and abandoned starts due to windshifts.

In the middle of  race two the wind turned almost 90 degrees to the north and the race was abandoned.

After a break ashore race two got underway in light wind from the east. The wind drecreased gradually throughout the race.

No more races were started today.

After 7 races top 5 are

  1. Søren Andreasen 14 points
  2. Christoph Homeier 26 points
  3. Mark Bulka 29 points
  4.  Jesper Armbrust 29 point
  5. Max Billerbeck 34 points

Contender world championship 2023 all results.

 Two more races are planed tomorrow. But the windforecast is even lighter winds.

July 6th, 2023

Another windy day.

Average wind 15-20 knots and gusts above 25 knots. The wind came with the clouds and decreased when the clouds had passed by the bay of Kerteminde.

Three races in two fleets lasted about two hours from first start to the next race was ready to start.

Starting at 11 a.m. the gradually decimating fleet came ashore around 5-6 p.m. in one last violent gust.

Tomorrrow a completely different business: Around 6 knots in the morning and late in the afternoon. In between less.

Therefore first start at 9.15 a.m.

Now the qualifiying series is over after four races and the gold and silverfleet are meant to sail 4 races over the next two days.

Contender world championship 2023 all results.

Images by sailing.pics


July 5th, 2023

The weatherforecast today was strong winds in the morning and late in the afternoon and night.

Start of racing thus was postponed to 2. p.m.

Many competitors chose to stay ashore.

Race one was started in 15-20 knots and stayed there. As the wind was from a southeasterly direction big waves.

Another part of the fleet chose to go ashore before race two.

Race two started in 20+ knots and increased during the the race.

So some tired sailors came ashore between 5 and 6 p.m.

After the two first races Søren Andreasen, Ed Presley and Simon Mussell are in the lead with 4 points each.

Four points behind Jesper Armbrust and Mark Bulka.

Contender world championship 2023 all results.

Images by sailing.pics

Tomorrow three races are scheduled with a windforecast of app. 15 knots and maybe even some sun.


July 4th, 2023

Racing today was postponed with first start at 1. pm. due to strong winds.

On the way to the racecourse many competitors discovered that the windstreght really was strong and well above the limit of 25 knots average, which stops racing.

Everybody came safe in after some strugle and all racing was abandoned today.

First start tomorrow postponed to 2 p.m. - again due to strong winds.

Sailor of the day: Christoffer Zahle Alstrup, newcomer to the danish class decided not to sail his contender today, but went out with a rib to assist.

They found an abandoned contender upside down.

Christoffer jumped on to the capsized contender in his swimmingshorts and his lifewest got the dinghy upright and balanced the dinghy, while it was towed to the habour by the rib. On the way in Frank Hinsch in a full wetsuit took over the dinghy and sailed it to the harbour.

Images contender world championship by sailing.pics


July 3th, 2023

Measurement done and official opening of the world championship done.

Now we are only waiting to start racing.

But we have to wait and see...

The weatherforecast is very strong winds for the next two days near or above the limit of 25 knots wind average that stops racing.


July 1st, 2023

Danish national championship settled

Four races on June 30th in medium shifty winds from the west, meaning only small waves.

Four races on July 1st in stronger winds from south to southwest. Still shifty but now with rather confused choppy waves.

On day one Graeme Wilcox was very fast with three wins and a second and a good lead by the end of the day.

On day two Simon Mussell took over with three wins and a second.

On day two Graeme Wilcoxs results -though not winning a race- were sufficient to save Graeme victory in the regatta.

For the rest of the fleet the changing wind conditions resulted in quite some change on the scoreboard from day one to day two.

Top five in the regatta:

  1. Graeme Wilcox (GBR)
  2. Mark Bulka (AUS)
  3. Christoph Homeier (GER)
  4. Simon Mussell (GBR)
  5. Jesper Armbrust (DEN)

Graeme Wilcox wins the regatta.

But Jesper Armbrust is danish champion as the rules for danish championships only allows  a member of a danish sailingclub to become danish champion.

Danish championship 2023 all results.

Video danish championship 2023


June 27th, 2023

Weather information for Kerteminde

Danish meteorological office weather forecast Kerteminde

Danish navy wind map Kerteminde

Windspeed in meters per second. To convert to knots per second: multiply by 2
 Læs mere 
June 17th, 2023

Sailing instructions

Sailing instructions are published and can be found to read as follows:

Pre-worlds/danish championship

World championship

June 16th, 2023


By the timelimit for registration at the contender world championship 2023 In Kerteminde 120 contendersailors have registered for the world championship and 76 for the pre-worlds/danish championship.

However you can still register for the danish championship until June 28th at managetosail

The participants represent twelfe nations from three continents.

wc 2023 participants