World championship 2023
Contender world championship 2023 settled.
Top five results at the 2023 world championship:
- Søren Andreasen 14 points
- Christoph Homeier 26 points
- Mark Bulka 29 points
- Jesper Armbrust 29 point
- Max Billerbeck 34 points
Søren Andreasen on one of the windy days
(You could add: Don't try this at home or at least practice some years before you try)
Contender world championship 2023 all results
The danisk contender association would like to give all the best credits to Kerteminde Sailing Club, all the voluteers, the jury and the measurement-team for a great and well organized regatta. Thank you all so much!
All information about the contender world championship 2023 in Kerteminde, Denmark is to be found as follows:
General information
This website in the menu: World championship 2023
Facebookgroup for the event 2023 Contender worlds
Official information on the regatta managementsystem: Managetosail
Pre-worlds/Danish championship 2023